A-1 Septic
Grease Tanks and Traps

 State and local governments are beginning to closely monitor the amount of grease restaurants and food handling facilities are
 releasing to the sewer treatment plants. A-1 Septic assists our customers by cleaning and removing the grease particles from the grease tanks and traps and dispose of it at a Department of Environmental Protection approved facility.

 Grease tanks and traps are located at facilities to capture the grease particles before the water goes into the sewer lines or
 septic field. Grease tanks and traps range from small 10-gallon traps to tanks with larger than 1500 gallon capacities. When
 cleaning a grease tank A-1 Septic makes sure all harmful grease particles are removed. They check the inlet and outlet baffles to be sure there is no grease build up that would hinder the water from entering or exiting the tank. When cleaning a grease tank and trap, our employees are careful to leave the facility as clean as when they arrived. All grease and any build up that is on the walls of the traps is removed. We even scrape the walls to ensure all grease is eliminated.